Computer Lab
The computer labs are equipped with very high speed servers and work stations poweds by the latest Pentium-4 series .A good number of computer have been provided to faclty, libarary, admininstration and accounts sections. Complete power up is provided with Gaurd online UPS and individual UPS for every personal computer. Peripherals include : Dot Matrix. Laser and inkjet Printers, HP Scanners and CD Writers etc. The current range of software that are available at the labs include Operating System (Windows2003 Serwer, WindowsXP Prof.. , Windows2000 Prof..),Data Bases (MS-SQL Server,Oracle9i),Languages and tools like (Turbo,C++,MS Visual Studio,.NET,Turbo, Assembel,JDK etc.) and software for office use like (MS-Office 2000,Antivirus Software etc.). This lab containing different Psycholigical tests with manual answer key and question booklet.